
Three Ways A Hearing Test Benefits Patients

Three Ways a Hearing Test Benefits Patients


Anna Woodward

Hearing loss can stem from a neurological defect from birth, it can occur suddenly due to injury of some kind, or it can occur gradually over time. For the young boys and girls dealing with one of the many stages of microtia or are born hard of hearing or completely deaf, there are operations, treatments such as hearing aids, behaviors such as lip reading, and sign language to help those who will spend their lives using alternative methods to to communicate more effectively.

There are men and women who experience sudden or a very quick progression of hearing loss, whether from a pre-existing congenital condition, consistent over-exposure to volume levels of 80 decibels or above, or as the result of a sudden blow such an auto accident. These individuals are suddenly faced with the same coping, treatment, and reconstructive surgery options as those born with these ailments. However, their ears are fully developed, so there are more permanent options for them. But then there are people who face progressive hearing loss, who notice the changes but have made incremental changes along the way to compensate rather than seeking professional intervention that will improve their quality of life. Those individuals — more often than not — require a hearing test administered to determine what their next step in preservation and communication optimization will be.


Individuals who don’t receive a hearing test even though they suspect damage or have been called out by others repeatedly, face progressive hearing loss because of what they work so hard to hide. These men and women have been known to repeatedly ask others to speak up, repeat themselves, and turn up all volumes from radio to television. They will even have to be in the front row or nearer to event speakers or their instructor. They will sit and stand too close to others when they speak in order to understand the conversation, but it just makes strangers uncomfortable. Or, sadly, these individuals choose to avoid social settings and events because of too many auditory stimuli such as bars, restaurants, parties, festivals and even movie theaters. They may not realize or want to face that their quality of life is suffering and it doesn’t have to when there are hearing aids and other alternatives, including surgery, if that is the route that person would like to take. But the first step is for the individual with or without their family to go to their local physician and then find an audiologist for a hearing test that can provide them with the clear information of what their next steps should be.


Spokane, WA hearing test

is the first step towards developing a treatment plan to alleviate inner ear damage. Find a conveniently located office near you at:



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Three Ways a Hearing Test Benefits Patients

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